Today, the article is totally dedicated to Php developers. Development skill can be improved by practicing it only. But while practicing, if you keep some important points in your mind, then it can be totally fun to develop PHP code.
If you are a rookie developer and looking forward to be a pro developer, then what you need to do is just follow this simple and highly useful tips while doing your practice.
So, here your journey starts with these golden tips…
10. Practice OOP in your code
If still you have not accepted OOP fundas in your coding style, then sustaining in this development field is nearly impossible in this era.
OOP is actually a facility of reusing your already written code whenever you need it, without copying it many times. How can you reuse the code? Using the classes and objects. You can reduce the time and efforts to code by using class in which variables and methods are tied together which will be used frequently in further coding.
The chances of error in your code increases as repetition of code increases. So, it will be easy to detect and solve the errors in your program. In procedural approach, server reads every file on your server in top to bottom manner, which acquire more resources of the server.
In short, OOP is faster, easier, simple to debug, acquires less resources and faster loading approach. So, go OOP, it will change your coding style forever.
9. Be aware while using anything with _once()
What does include() do? – It gives us warning if it fails.
What does require() do? – It kills the script with a fatal error when it fails.
But, include_once() and require_once are very much hard on the server. Simply remember it, usage of these kills your server resources, mainly on huge frameworks. If you will code properly, you won’t even need it.
8. Use Inbuilt fuctions of PHP
If you want to have square root of a number then what should you do?
Either you can create a user-defined function which will perform some manual calculations or you can simply use sqrt() function already available in php. Try to do it in the best way. To know all the functions available, go through the manual and use inbuilt functions whenever you need any functionality, to make your task easier.
7. Use E_ALL openly
COding can be fun for you, but I’m damn sure finding bugs an errors in your program can be tedious task for you.
So, make a habbit of turning error reporting to E_ALL and turn it off only before few seconds of production mode. With this technique, you can pick every small errors that will hazard your code while execution.
6. If you need, get a framework
Rasmus Lerdorf has said thatyou shouldn’t use framework as it is much slower than normal code while running a simple “Hello World” application. But I think as a developer or professional, you are not going to develop “Hello World” program.
Frameworks are efficient when it comes to large projects. One more benefit of using frameworks is you get help in writing code so the basic code is already written. The chances of errors are less when someone has already written a part of your code.
You will have to understand frameworks properly if you want to use the functionalities of it to make your task simpler.
5. Use POST, not GET
I know it is not always possible to use POST but I would recommend you to use POST whenever it is possible. Reason behind recommending POST is simple, GET can be emulated easily. To hack the entire project, all I need to do is add something to the address bar. Though GET is an easier way for pagination and permalink, but while submitting a form, go with POST, as it is safer option.
4. Secure your Database
database can be considered as the main asset of any project. It should be secured as we secure the treasure. You need to make sure that submitted data is of right type and right value before its insertion in the database. Validate the POST and Get strings and never use $_REQUEST. The best way is to use mysql_real_escape_string() for database before adding it to daatabase. The function – mysql_real_escape_string() will make strings safe from other functions which can harm your database or have malicious code.
3. Draw before you code
If you sit for coding, the moment you get project then it can be your worst mistake. You need to make wireframe for your project whether that is in soft copy or on a piece of paper. You will feel really demotivated if you stuck in middle of the project because of some sill mistakes. It can be total headache if you will face difficulties or you come to know that everything you coded till now is just wrong and wastage of your time.
2. Analyze your whole project
You cannot start coding just because you know the logic of a single module without considering other modules as well. First, you need to analyze the whole project, decide the dependencies of all module and analyze the requirements of the final product. If you don’t understand your project properly, you won’t be able to code it as it should be.
You can’t learn dancing just by reading its theory. Same goes with any art. You need to practice, you need to perform. Then only you can chase the perfection in that art. Coding is also an art. If you want to master the art of coding, then all you need to do is coding….coding….and only coding. There is no other way. Build what you want to build. If it is not as per your requirement, rebuild. Do it until you are not mastered with this art.
I hope these tips will help you in developing your development skills. Now a days most of people use Website Development Services for their business. If you ave passion for coding, then no one can stop you from being a great developer. Now I would suggest you to stop reading the tips and start performing this art.
Wish you Good Luck for your development journey!!!